03/19 (木) Rodolphe Coster|石原パッチ只寛|アリナミン
宇宙とブリュッセルを結ぶ、ベルギー・インディー・シーンの雄、ロドルフ・コスター来日! シューゲイザー/アンビエント・ノイズ・ポップ/ダーク・エレクトロニカ/美しく妖しいトラックに時に乗る歌がFREEDOMMUNE (2013) で話題を呼び、再びFREEDOMMUNEへの来日に合わせツアー。ロドルフとベルギーにて親交を暖めた盟友、石原パッチ只寛のモジュラーシンセサイザー・ソロ。フリージャズ、実験音楽、民族音楽、室内楽を飲み込みサックス奏者として、そして自作楽器を使ったソロ、自身のバンド六万体、計り知れないパッチに期待。さらに、実は活動歴10年以上、数年1度のレアグルーヴ。サンプラー両手に抱えて ドドドと大地を揺るがすナニワのサンプラー奇術師DODDODO本名白奈民と歩く辺境音楽士グ邸管理人森本アリによる「アリナミン」。
Rodolphe Coster
アリナミン (森本アリ+DODDODO)
日時:2015年3月19日 (木) open 19:00 start 19:30
会場:旧グッゲンハイム邸(JR/ 山陽塩屋駅徒歩5分)
〒655-0872 神戸市垂水区塩屋町3丁目5-17
料金:予約 2,000円 当日 2,500円
主催:Rodolphe Coster
TEL : 078-220-3924 FAX: 078-202-9033
E-mail : guggenheim2007@gmail.com
* ご予約送信の際に、ご希望の鑑賞日、お名前、電話番号、枚数を明記下さい。
Rodolphe Coster
Known in the belgian indie scene (member of several bands: Flexa Lyndo, Baum, Poni, Cafeneon), Rodolphe Coster (Brussels) works now solo, crossfades atmospheres close to inner feelings and images inspired by some of actual, and oldie soundscapers (Fever Ray, Colin Newman, Pantha du Prince, The Jesus and Mary Chain…). Compared by some as indus meeting point between The Big Pink and Autechre, his tracks move from ambient noise-pop to dark electronica with vocals . A first self produced EP (May 2011), signed the beginning of live gigs serie not only in concert venues in Belgium, Holland, Italy and Berlin (Contemporary art museum of Brussels/ WIELS, Galleries, International film festival of Rotterdam (sharing the prog with Lee Ranaldo), and in some other venues and Festivals (Les Nuits Botanique 2011 booked him as support for The Dodos) . The french magazine « Les Inrockuptibles » booked him for their special event in Brussels as support act for Saul Williams and wrote (JD Beauvallet): « This tireless activist produces a nightmare-pop straightly connecting Brussels to Cosmos ».
For the second times in two years he performed at the festival Les Nuits Botanique, edition 2012 as support act for Grimes, may 2012.He also performed in Paris La Machine du Moulin Rouge, in the big hall as support for Scratch Massive, and in the famous Ancienne Belgique as support for Black Dice. Then, he got involved in composition for contemporary dance, and performance.
Summer 2013 is the time for his first 6 gigs Japanese Tour. In Tokyo he’s sharing the FreeDommune Festival Line Up with Boredoms, Keiji Haino, Penny Rimbaud (CRASS) and others, and he also performed in Oïta, Akita, Osaka.
A split Vinyl of LE PACIFIQUE RECORDS, got released the same summer with one of his tracks. He’s currently busy on composition for Theater and writing new tracks. Le Botanique booked him as support for Gold Panda this autumn 2013, to enter a next phase that would prepare the 1stalbum.
森本アリ[sampler, electronics]
ナミン ( a.k.a.DODDODO ) [sampler, electronics]